Download ONGC Junior Assistant Question Papers from here. Previous years’ papers and PDF Model Questions are available here. Candidates must practice the ONGC Junior Assistant accounts and chemistry question papers for better preparation. They can learn about the weight of questions and how to organize and manage time. You can download previous years’ papers from our website and use the sample questions to help you prepare for the exam.
ONGC Junior Assistant Question Paper in Short
Organization | Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited |
Item | ONGC Junior Assistant Question Papers |
Posts | Non Executives |
Available for | Junior Assistant, Junior Engineering Assistant, Junior Engineer, Junior Scientific Assistant, Junior Marine Radio Assistant, Junior Dealing Assistant, Junior Technical Assistant, Junior Technician, Junior Motor Vehicle Driver, Junior Assistant Operator (Heavy Equipment), Junior Slinger cum Rigger, Junior Fire Supervisor, and Junior Fireman. |
Previous Papers | Available (Download) |
Model Papers | Available (Download) |
Website | |

ONGC Junior Assistant Question Paper Download
The ONGC Junior Assistant Question Papers PDF is very important for those preparing for the examination. The syllabus includes the topics likely to be covered in the exam. Download the PDF file now to prepare yourself. The syllabus is divided into the preliminary examination and the interview. There are 100 questions in each section, and each question carries one mark. The time duration of the exam is one hour. The question papers will be available in Hindi and English.
ONGC junior technical assistant chemistry question paper | Download |
ONGC junior assistant question paper | Download |
ONGC junior assistant electrical question paper | Download |
ONGC question paper for junior assistant | Download |
ONGC junior engineer assistant previous year question paper | Download |
ONGC technical assistant chemistry question paper | Download |
ONGC junior assistant accounts question paper | Download |
ONGC junior accountant question paper | Download |
ONGC junior engineer assistant question paper | Download |
ONGC junior assistant accounts previous year question paper | Download |
ONGC junior assistant p&a question paper | Download |
ONGC fire supervisor question paper | Download |
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ONGC junior assistant personnel and administration exam paper | Download |
ONGC junior scientific assistant previous year question paper | Download |
ONGC chemistry question paper pdf | Download |
ONGC exam paper for chemistry | Download |
Junior Assistant Question Papers 2020 | Download |
ONGC junior engineering assistant question paper | Download |
Junior Assistant Question Papers 2018 | Download |
ONGC junior assistant previous year question paper | Download |
ONGC question paper for junior assistant accounts | Download |
ONGC Non-executive Junior Engineer Assistant papers with answer PDF | Download |
ONGC Junior Engineer Assistant sample question papers | Download |
ONGC Junior Technical Assistant Paper | Download |
ONGC Junior Technical Assistant Question Paper with answers | Download |
ONGC Junior Scientific Assistant Previous Year Question Papers | Download |
ONGC Question Paper for Junior Scientific Assistant | Download |
ONGCJunior Scientific Assistant Question Paper | Download |
After the examination, the answer key will be available on our website. Using the ONGC question paper for junior assistant, candidates will be able to estimate the difficulty of the exam. ONGC released the Junior Assistant Answer Key a few days after the exam. However, candidates can find the Unofficial Answer Key online before the Official Answer Key. Then, it is time to estimate your marks.

1. ONGC Junior Engineer Assistant Question Paper
ONGC has released the syllabus for the Junior Assistant recruitment exam. The syllabus for the ONGC exam consists of 100 questions, each worth 1 mark, which must be answered in one hour. The question paper is available in both Hindi and English. Candidates can download the syllabus from The syllabus is also available in PDF format. Hence, candidates can download the syllabus to prepare for the exam. Here are some important tips to crack the ONGC Junior Assistant Exam.
ONGC junior technical assistant chemistry question paper is available on this website. The Answer Key of the Assistant Technician will be released after a few days of the exam. To better estimate your score, you should solve the ONGC Junior Assistant Question Papers. Many experts recommend candidates solve the ONGC Junior Assistant Question Papers. This will help them understand the difficulty level of the exam. Moreover, these old papers will help you to improve your scores and score better.
2. ONGC Junior Technical Assistant Question Papers
Candidates, who are preparing for ONGC junior assistant exam, can download the ONGC Junior Assistant Question Papers from The answer key for the ONGC Jr. Asst Technician exam is published on this website and provides the candidates with an opportunity to challenge it. After checking the answer key, the candidates can predict their marks and challenge it if they find any wrong answers. However, they must submit proper proof to prove their wrong answer. The board will check the answer key and release the final result on its website. Candidates can download the printout for their future reference.
3. ONGC Junior Scientific Assistant Previous Papers
If you want to crack the ONGC Junior Assistant exam, it is essential to download the previous year question papers. You can access the papers online for free and use them to estimate your test performance. The sample papers will also help you identify your mistakes and rectify them before the written examination. You can also check the ONGC Assistant Technician Model Papers if you are a fresher. These papers are essential for you to prepare better for the written examination.
Once you know the pattern of the upcoming ONGC examination, you can start preparing for the exam. For this, you can download ONGC Junior Assistant Previous Year Question Papers. The model question papers for the Jr Assistant, Apprentice, and Tech Exams are available online. There is a wide range of study material available for all subjects, and it will help you prepare for the exam. This is especially useful for candidates who want to get a career in the oil industry.
4. ONGC Junior Marine Radio Assistant Old Paper
ONGC has released the model question papers for various vacancies, including Jr Assistant Technician and Apprentice. It has been suggested by experts to solve as many old papers as possible before the exam. It will help you gauge the difficulty level of the exam. You can find the ONGC Junior Assistant Model Question Paper PDF here. Here’s how to use it. After downloading the question papers, you can practice solving them by solving them independently.
You should download the ONGC Junior Assistant Model Question Papers before applying to prepare for a competitive exam. These question papers are free and available to download. You can even find the syllabus of the exam and practice by solving them. Make sure you know the exam pattern in advance. You should download the question papers a few days before the exam. ONGC will publish the ONGC Junior Assistant Model Question Papers in advance, so it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with them.
5. ONGC Junior Dealing Assistant Sample Papers
ONGC Junior Assistant Sample Papers download is available for Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Instrumental, and Chemical examinations. Solving these sample papers will help you gauge the level of difficulty of the exam. Also, you will have the opportunity to learn about the sections of the exam and the negative marking. This will help you prepare for the exam better. ONGC is now offering an upcoming recruitment drive for Junior Assistants.
You can download ONGC junior assistant sample papers for free. The examination syllabus is important because it outlines the topics that the subjects will cover during the interview. Moreover, you will also get a rough idea of the type of examination that you will face in the actual examination. ONGC Junior Assistant Sample Papers download are available for download in PDF format. You should study the syllabus thoroughly and understand the pattern of the examination.
ONGC Junior Assistant Previous Year Question Paper
a. ONGC Junior Engineer Assistant Previous Year Question Paper
The ONGC plans to release the ONGC Junior Assistant exam in the upcoming years. If you want to know the question paper pattern of the exam, you need to have an idea about the previous years’ questions. These question papers can help you prepare better for the upcoming exam. You can also check out the answers to the previous year’s questions and correct the mistakes before the online examination. Using the ONGC Junior Assistant old question papers, you can estimate your performance in the test and improve yourself. Moreover, it is also important to find out any mistakes or mistaken marks that you have done in the examination before the exam is scheduled.
b. ONGC Junior Assistant Accounts Previous Year Question Paper
ONGC junior assistant question papers 2018 are a valuable source of preparation for upcoming exams. Various private institutions have released the answer key based on the question papers. This helps aspirants estimate their marks before the result is released. Moreover, it helps them prepare for the selection process. Besides, the question papers help aspirants improve their performance. In addition, these papers also allow candidates to analyze their weak areas and make improvements before the exam.
ONGC placement papers are divided into general knowledge and technical questions. These questions are multiple-choice, and there is no negative marking for wrong answers. The questions in the general knowledge section cover topics such as Indian history, the judicial system, the power system, and operations research. Candidates who want to crack this examination must practice the model papers and previous year’s solved questions. Once you have practiced the ONGC junior assistant question papers 2020, you can prepare well for the examination and get maximum marks.
c. ONGC Junior Scientific Assistant Previous Year Question Paper
If you are preparing for the ONGC exam, it is very important to know the previous year’s ONGC Junior Assistant Question Papers. You can download the old/model question papers from this page. You can use these question papers for mock tests and estimate your performance in the exam. You can use the marks to improve your performance and correct any mistakes in the previous exam. This way, you can easily clear the ONGC exam without any hassles.
You can find ONGC Assistant Technician, Junior Assistant, and Technical Assistant Previous Papers from different sources. This will help you in gaining maximum marks in the examination. By using these papers, you will get a clear idea about the types of questions asked in the exam and how to solve them. You can also improve your time management skills by solving these previous papers. You can download the ONGC Junior Assistant Question Papers 2021 by visiting the following link. The download link will open a pdf file that you can print for preparation.
d. ONGC Junior Assistant Question Papers 2019
ONGC has released recruitment notifications for several posts, such as Junior Assistant, Security and Fire Supervisor, and Assistant Technician. The exam pattern is CBT-based and highly technical. The Gkp personnel and administration study manual covers the entire syllabus. The manual is divided into five sections and includes a sample question paper. It will help get a clear idea of the syllabus and exam pattern.
We have releases the previous year’s question paper to assess the difficulty level. Candidates can download these question papers and practice them until they feel how hard the exam is. ONGC Junior Assistant Technician Exam Old Question Papers can be downloaded fromour website and used to estimate marks. However, it is advised to check the answer key after the examination to avoid making any mistakes.
ONGC Junior Assistant Solved Question Papers
ONGC is issuing Non-Executive Junior Assistant Solved Question Papers on its website. As the Exam date is near, the candidates must have a copy of the question paper to estimate their marks. If they have lost the question paper, they can download it from Candidates can only estimate their marks only after the official Answer Key is released. The ONGC Junior Assistant Exam Key is issued in sets. Candidates can check the answer key according to the Question Paper Code.
1. Junior Engineering Assistant Question Papers
ONGC has released the solved question papers for the Junior Engineering Assistant examination in different subjects. You can download the exam papers and study them well in advance. The solved question papers of ONGC will be useful in assessing your performance and improving it. Moreover, you can use them to find any mistaken answers or marks. This will help you rectify these mistakes before the examination. You should have solved all the question papers before appearing for the exam.
The examination for ONGC Assistant Technician is a computer-based test. The question paper for this examination is highly technical and consists of questions on various subjects. It is recommended to practice with solved papers from previous years before appearing for the exam. These papers will not only improve your technical knowledge but will also help you improve your problem-solving and sectional timing skills. You must download these question papers and prepare accordingly.
2. Junior Dealing Assistant Question Papers
ONGC has made it possible for job seekers to download free ONGC Junior Dealing Assistant Solved Question Papers to prepare for the exam. Solved question papers will help you determine how difficult the exam is. Moreover, previous year papers are helpful in knowing the pattern of the examination. The model question papers for the exam are available in PDF format, and you can easily download them.
You can download the ONGC Assistant Solved Question Papers from the this website. You have to click on the link given below and open the PDF file. After downloading, use the PDF file to evaluate your performance and improve your marks. Old question papers can also help you recognize if you have made any mistakes on the paper. You can rectify these errors before the examination.
3. Junior Technical Assistant Question Papers
The ONGC Junior Technical Assistant (JTA) exam will be conducted in English and Hindi. Candidates will be given one hour to complete the examination. As per the syllabus, candidates must know the exact format of the test. The question paper is going to be printed in Hindi and English. Candidates should know that the paper will be difficult. However, candidates can practice and know the exact format of the question paper.
If you wish to crack the ONGC Junior Technical Assistant examination, it is essential to practice the previous year’s question papers. These papers will give you an idea of how difficult the examination is and how much time you will have to devote to each section. You can also use the model question paper to practice time management and improve your overall performance. You can download these question papers from the below links. Download them in PDF format. Print out the PDF file and practice it thoroughly.
ONGC Junior Technical Assistant Chemistry Question Paper
The ONGC junior assistant recruitment is a highly competitive exam that requires high-level skills. However, it is not impossible to crack the exam if you study the ONGC Junior Assistant question papers. The ONGC exam is conducted every year, and the question papers provided by the organization are the best reference material for those applying.
The importance of ONGC junior assistant question papers can’t be overemphasized. These previous papers are the best way to prepare for ONGC exams and score high marks. The ONGC syllabus includes a prelim exam and an interview. Each question carries one mark, and the time allowed for the entire exam is one hour. ONGC junior assistant question papers are available in both English and Hindi.
Moreover, ONGC junior assistant technician posts require a three-year diploma in mechanical engineering and a 1st class boiler attendant certificate.
FAQs-ONGC Junior Assistant Question Papers
Do you provide ONGC junior engineering assistant question paper?
Yes. We have provided lots of question papers here.
Can I download ONGC question paper for junior assistant accounts?
The question papers for accounts are available here.
How to download ONGC junior assistant electrical question paper?
Please click on the download links to get the PDF copies.
Where to download ONGC junior assistant civil question paper?
WE have given the direct links here for civil question papers.
Are ONGC questions and answers available?
You can download the solved question papers for the questions and answers.
What is ONGC syllabus for junior assistant accounts?
You should download the syllabus from our website.
Do you provide ONGC exam paper pdf?
Yes. All the question papers available on our website are in PDF format.
How to download ONGC assistant technician question paper?
Visit the Download section of this page and click on the download link for the technician question papers.