Download Indian Railway group D Syllabus 2021 from here. The complete set of the syllabus is discussed here with downloadable PDF copies.
Indian Railway Group D is a division of Indian Railways, which is responsible for various services in the Indian Railways. The Group D vacancies are very attractive for both experienced and fresh students.
Opportunities in Group D includes helping the passengers, station management, conductors, and freight handling, etc.
Working with a renowned Indian Railways Group D ensures that your career in Indian Railways will be rich and fulfilling.
Indian Railway group D Syllabus 2021 is divided into some parts. You have to clear all the selection processes for this government job.
The recruitment process is consist of five parts. All of these 5 parts are equally important for the candidates.
The entire recruitment process shall involve in the below parts-
- Computer Based Test(s)
- Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
- Document Verification and
- Medical Examination.
Indian Railway group D Syllabus 2021
Candidates who have cleared all the pre-requisites are required to appear for a three-step verification process.
The first step involves the written test (Written Examination) which can be taken only at the designated testing center. The written test helps the HR managers understand the candidate’s ability and knowledge.
After this stage candidates need to appear for a Physical Efficiency Test (PET) which is taken at the designated place.
So, it is clear that one have to complete the computer based test first to enter to the farther selection process of India Railways Group D Recruitment 2021.
Indian Railway group D Syllabus 2021 gives preference to the CBT section. Because this is the first step to the selection process of Group D recruitment in Indian Railways.

Computer Based Test (CBT) for Group D candidates
CBT is the computer based test for the eligible candidates for Indian railways Group D Recruitment 2021.
After verifying the online application forms of RRB Group D Examination, RRB/RRC will list the eligible candidates.
Indian Railway group D Syllabus 2021 is published. We have discussed above that there will be a selection process for this recruitment of railways.
The first step to the selection process is the computer based test.
Railways will call the eligible candidates for the CBT. Only those candidates who are eligible for the recruitment process will be called for the examination.
You have to download the E-call letter or your admit card from the official website of RRB/RRC.
Railway may also send a copy of the hall ticket to your registered e-mail. You may also download the call letter from the E-mail you have entered in the application form.
Pattern of CBT for Indian Railway group D Examination
There are several computer based tests (CBT) designed to test the candidate’s mathematical knowledge and other functionalities.
The main objective of the CBT is to evaluate the ability of the candidate to solve complex problems using mathematical formulae.
As per Indian Railway group D Syllabus 2021, the examination duration and number of questions for CBT are indicated below:
The examination duration of the Examination will be 90 minuets for the normal people. But time will be extended to 120 Minutes for eligible PwBD candidates accompanied with Scribe.
CBT Syllabus of Indian Railway group D Syllabus 2021
The group D syllabus of the CBT is already declared on the official notification.
We have collected the official syllabus of Indian Railway group D CBT Syllabus for you.
The Questions will be of multiple choice objective type.
You should study the following topics because these are likely to include in the question papers.
Syllabus of Mathematics (25 marks)
The syllabus of the Indian Railway Group D consists of Mathematics, Calculus, Geometry, and Physics.
The topics covered in each of these subjects are determined by the department head. There are some branches/ subjects that are mandatory for all the trainees even as others are optional for certain grades and positions.
The topics that are mandatory for all grades are Introduction to Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics, Probability, and Statistics, General Calculus, Differentiation, and Integration, Analysis of Basic Data, Calculus I and II, Calculus III and Application in Various Situations.
- Number system,
- Decimals
- Fractions
- Ratio and Proportion
- Percentages
- Mensuration
- Time and Work
- Time and Distance
- Simple and Compound Interest
- Profit and Loss
- Algebra
- Geometry and Trigonometry
- Elementary Statistics
- Square root
- Age Calculations
- Calendar & Clock
- Pipes & Cistern etc
Syllabus of General Intelligence and reasoning (30 Marks)
In Indian Railway group D Syllabus 2021, there is a separate paper dedicated to ‘Principles of General Intelligence’.
According to this paper, intelligence is nothing but a process of finding patterns in the data that come into our senses.
By looking into the various patterns and seeing how they fit together, we arrive at general intelligence. General intelligence, according to the present view, is nothing but the ability to reason out in situations.
With the help of logic, a person can deduce various concepts from the given data and arrive at solutions for problems.
According to this paper, general intelligence is nothing but the ability to reason out in situations, keeping the data in mind.
Thus, with the help of statistics, a person can arrive at conclusions and understand the patterns from which the patterns emerge.Â
- Analogies
- Alphabetical and Number Series
- Coding and Decoding
- Mathematical operations
- Relationships
- Syllogism
- Jumbling
- Venn Diagram
- Data Interpretation and Sufficiency
- Conclusions and Decision
- making
- Similarities and Differences
- Analytical Reasoning
- Classification
- Directions
- Statement – Arguments and Assumptions etc.
Syllabus of General Science (25 marks)
- Physics
- Chemistry and
- Life Sciences of 10th standard level (CBSE).
Syllabus of General Awareness on current affairs (20 marks)
There is yet another paper on Indian Railway group D Syllabus 2021 for the General Awareness Syllabus of Indian Railway Group D.
According to this paper, general awareness of current affairs, current GDP, and current stock market, are all part of the world-wide perspective.
However, it emphasizes that there is one more factor that comes into play, and that is the capability of the student to use facts to make sense out of current affairs.
For this, students are taught the ability to analyze and interpret figures, graphs, and table displays as well as data and information.
A thorough knowledge about the current affairs, global politics, and geo-political aspects is essential for students in Indian Railway Group D.
- Science & Technology
- Sports
- Culture
- Personalities
- Economics
- Politics and any other subject of importance.
Pass Marks for CBT (Cut-Off)
There will be negative marking and 1/3 marks shall be deducted for each wrong answer.
Minimum percentage of marks for eligibility in various categories:
- UR-40%
- EWS-40%
- OBC(Non creamy layer)-30%
- SC-30%
- ST-30%.
These percentage of marks for eligibility may be relaxed by 2% for PwBD candidates in case of shortage of PwBD candidates against vacancies reserved for them.
Second Stage CBT
The railway selection board may held a second stage CBT.
But it is not fixed.
The Railway board reserves the right to treat the first stage CBT as a qualifying test for the purpose of short listing a reasonable number of candidates for the second stage.

Physical Efficiency Tests (PET) for Group D Candidates
Physical Efficiency Tests (PET) will be conducted after selection of the candidates on Merit basis.
After completion of the CBT, the second stage of the selection process will start.
The candidates who pass the CBT will get chance for the physical efficiency tests.
You will be slected based on the merit in the CBT.
Candidates shall be called for PET Three times the community wise total vacancy of the Posts notified against RRBs/RRCs.
However, Railways reserve the right to increase or decrease this ratio.
Passing Physical Efficiency Test (PET) is mandatory. This is a test for qualifying in nature.
PET Activities by Indian Railway group D Syllabus 2021
PET Syllabus for Indian Railway group D Syllabus 2021
PET For male Candidates
- You have to lift and carry 35 Kg of weight for a distance of 100 metres in 2 minutes. You have to do it in one chance without putting the weight down.
- You have to run for a distance of 1000 metres in 4 minutes and 15 seconds in one chance.
PET For Female Candidates
- You have to lift and carry 20 Kg of weight for a distance of 100 metres in 2 minutes. This should be done in one chance without putting the weight down.
- You have to run for a distance of 1000 metres in 5 minutes and 40 seconds in one chance.
PET for PWBD Candidates
The Persons with Benchmark Disabilities(PwBD) as specified in Para 11.0 are exempted from appearing for PET.
It is the candidates’ responsibility to ensure that they are medically fit enough to attempt the PET. Railways will not be responsible for any injury/harm suffered by candidates as a result of participating in the PET