Indian navy SSR question papers are available here in the below tables. We have provided all the previous year’s question papers for the candidates who are going to appear in the upcoming Indian Navy SSR Examination. Download the Indian Navy Questions and Answers PDF from our website for practice for the selection interviews. Navy SSR previous year question papers with answers are prepared by our teachers. These free study notes will help the aspirants of the Indian navy.
Indian Navy SSR Question Papers in Short
Employer | Govt of India |
Department | Indian Navy |
Work Type | Sailor |
Previous Question papers | 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 |
Model papers | 2023 Model Questions |
Available Links | Direct PDF Download |
Practice Sets | Questions with Answers |
Download Indian Navy SSR Question Papers
Navy SSR previous question papers will definitely help the candidates who want to serve the Indian Navy as a sailor. This is a golden chance for the central Govt job aspirants. You should download the question papers along with the solved papers and practice as much as possible.
Model Question Papers | PDF Links |
Indian Navy SSR Question Papers -1 | Download |
Navy SSR Model Question paper -2 | Download |
Navy SSR Model Question paper -3 | Download |
Indian Navy SSR Question Papers -4 | Download |
Navy SSR Model Question paper -5 | Download |
Model Question Papers | PDF Links |
Indian Navy SSR Question Papers -6 | Download |
Navy SSR Model Question paper -7 | Download |
Indian Navy SSR Question Papers -8 | Download |
Navy SSR Model Question paper -9 | Download |
Previous Question Papers | PDF Links |
Sailor SSR Previous Year Papers – Chemistry | Download |
Navy SSR Previous Year Papers – English | Download |
Indian Navy SSR Previous Year Papers – Mathematics | Download |
Navy SSR Old question Papers – Physics | Download |
Navy SSR Previous Question Papers – General Science | Download |
SSR Previous Exam Papers – General Knowledge | Download |
Navy SSR Previous Year Papers – Computer Science | Download |
Indian Navy SSR Question Papers Details

++ You can download Navy question papers for the SSR posts from here. We provide all these for job aspirants for free. Invest your time in studying these important papers to get good marks in the examination.
++ Download the previous year’s Indian Navy SSR Question Papers and learn the question patterns. Previous years’ question papers are good for practice for the examination.
++ We have given the model question papers for the candidates to practice before attending the exam. It is essential to study everything before the examination.
Navy SSR Selection Procedure

- There will be a written test for the candidates. This is the common test for both Indian navy SSR posts and AA posts.
- After qualifying for the written test, the candidates have to pass the physical fitness tests.
- The Medical test is the third part of the Indian Navy selection process for the SSR posts.
- At last, the Final Merit List. The candidates who qualify in all the above three tests will get the job.
How to Apply Online For Indian Navy Exams
You can now register for the Indian Navy examination, but before you can do that, you need to know the details of the exam. This article will provide you with details on the Syllabus, Exam pattern, cut-off marks, and registration process. Once you know all of the essentials, you can begin preparing for the exam. But before you register, be sure to check the eligibility criteria. The minimum aggregate marks required for Navy recruitment are 60% and higher.
Indian Navy Exam pattern
The syllabus for the English section in the Indian Navy examination pattern aims to test the grammatical, reading, and usage skills of the candidates. Some topics carry higher marks in the exam, while others are less commonly asked. Therefore, candidates must prioritize these topics. Some important topics covered in the English section of the examination are passage, correction of sentences, synonyms and antonyms, and punctuation. Other topics include Mathematics, trigonometry, laws of motion, and organic chemistry.
Indian Navy Syllabus
Those who wish to join the Indian Navy can start by downloading the Syllabus for Indian Naval examination. The syllabus for this examination includes four main areas. First, it covers the physical world. This includes laws of motion, the Cartesian system of rectangular coordinates, series and sequences, quadratic equations, and work. In addition, it will cover topics such as electrostatics and current electricity.
Indian Navy Cut off marks
You can check the cut-off marks for Indian Navy examinations from the official website. It is always a good idea to check the actual cut-off marks before applying. It is important to check the percentage of all five subjects. If you do not achieve the cut-off marks for any of the subjects, you have to reapply in a new batch. However, if you score the required marks, you will qualify for the next examination round.
Indian Navy Registration process
The registration process for the Indian Navy examination starts with the online submission of the application form. The process involves payment through online modes such as Debit Cards and Credit Cards. You must have a valid email ID and a valid telephone number to submit the application. The fee for registration is non-refundable. It is necessary to complete the application form properly. If you have any queries or doubts, you can contact us for further help.
Benefits of Indian Navy SSR and AA Question Papers
One of the most essential aspects of getting selected for an SSR course in the Indian Navy is solving the previous year question papers. It helps you get a good grasp of the subject and also helps you identify your weak areas. In addition, downloading the previous year Indian Navy SSR Question Papers will allow you to practice for your examination without facing any kind of trouble. After you download the question papers, you should solve them as quickly as you can. Moreover, you should keep revising these papers as you complete each topic. By solving the question papers, you will be able to understand the topic more and be well-prepared for the exams.
Previous year papers help you gain command over subjects
Practising previous year’s papers of Indian Navy SSR AA can help you improve your preparation strategy and formulate a more effective exam strategy. Solving past year papers can give you an insight into how the questions are set and can help you focus on weak areas and develop effective strategies. The following are some benefits of the previous year Indian Navy SSR Question Papers.
Downloaded Previous Year Question Papers: The previous year question papers of the Indian Navy SSR recruitment examination are available on the internet. These papers are useful in gaining command over various subjects, exam patterns, marking schemes, and time limits. By solving previous year papers, you will get an overview of the exam pattern and the weightage of each section. They can also help you gauge your preparation level and save your time by knowing which section is of less weightage.
They help you identify your weak areas
The Indian Navy SSR and AA Question Papers can help you prepare for these exams. These papers can be downloaded from the official website of the Navy and will help you to determine your weak areas. In addition, you can also find the answer key to these question papers. By following these instructions, you will be able to prepare for the exams in the best possible way. Once you have mastered the syllabus, you can use the SSR and AA Question Papers to boost your confidence level.
Indian Navy SSR Previous Year Question Papers will help you to know the exam pattern and the difficulty level of the questions. They will also help you to identify your weak areas and improve your time management skills. This will enable you to avoid repeating exams if you have practised the previous year papers. This will also help you identify the questions that are difficult and prepare answers that are easy to understand.
They help you gain command over subjects
It is important to know the exam pattern before you take up the examination for Indian Navy Sailor SSR and AA posts. Previous years question papers help you understand the exam format and pattern better. These papers also give you an idea of how the questions are framed. You can use previous years question papers to improve your time management and grasp significant topics. Make sure to use Indian Navy SSR Question Papers along with mock tests to maximize your preparation.
The Centurion Defence Academy is renowned for providing the best preparation material. This academy has the highest selection ratio in the written and PFT exam for Navy SSR. The study materials are useful for students as they provide practice tests with the same level of difficulty. It also provides daily live classes and eDoc, where students can easily download significant documents and study. This helps them gain command over various subjects and get a clear idea of what they have to study.
Indian Navy SSR Question Papers PDF
If you’re a candidate preparing for the SSR exam, you should download the Indian Navy SSR Question Papers PDF to check out the pattern of the exams. You can find these question papers in the official website of the Indian Navy. By practicing with these papers, you’ll be more accurate in your answers. Also, you’ll be better prepared if you know the previous year question papers and their marking scheme.
Indian Navy Previous Year Question Papers
Indian Navy SSR AA previous year papers are very beneficial for candidates to revise their concepts and practice solving the questions. It also helps you in preparing a strategy. The solution of the previous year papers can help you in analyzing your performance and pinpointing weak areas. There are several links available on the internet that provide free downloads of the Indian Navy SSR Question Papers. All you need to do is click on the link and download the papers on your device.
These previous year question papers can be downloaded on your laptop or mobile. The answer sheets for the various tests are available in PDF format. You can download Indian Navy SSR Question Papers at your convenience. You can even refer to these papers during the selection process. Furthermore, you can download these question papers in PDF format to get an idea about the type of questions that may be asked in the exam. However, you should note that these previous year question papers are only meant for reference purposes and should not be used for the preparation of the actual exam.
Indian Navy SSR Question Papers Pattern 2023
In the AA section of the exam, the candidate is required to complete a physical fitness test. Besides this, they need to perform at least 20 sit-ups and 10 push-ups. The recruitment specialists will also check their mental and physical health. The candidate should have a minimum height of 157 centimeters and have a minimum chasts expansion of five centimeters.
The syllabus of the exam consists of 100 MCQs, in four sections of twenty-five questions each. The exam also includes general awareness and sports entry. The Indian Navy conducts separate tests for these three sections. These are divided into state-wise distribution and require candidates to pass all sections with good marks to qualify. Moreover, candidates should be physically fit and have good swimming and NBCD skills. The syllabus is different for each section, so candidates should be aware of their specific subjects.
Indian Navy Age limit
Before you sit for the Indian Navy SSR Exam, you need to solve and review some earlier question papers. You need to practice Indian Navy SSR Question Papers as you go through each topic. It will help you understand the topic and prepare for the exam. In order to qualify for the Indian Navy SSR examination, you should have a minimum of 60% marks in your 12th class. You also need to be 17 years of age or above, although if you are below this age limit, you can sit for the exam.
You can practice Indian Navy SSR Question Papers PDF to ace the exam. You must keep in mind that there is no specific age limit for the exam. The exam will be conducted in two stages. The first stage is a Computer Based Test (CBT) and the second phase is the Physical Fitness Test. Those who pass the first stage of the exam will be called for the final round. If you have met the age limit and other eligibility criteria, you can go for the second stage.
Practising with previous year question papers improves accuracy
The Indian Navy SSR AA exam is composed of medium to difficult level questions and is a highly competitive exam. To ace the exam, you need to put in a lot of effort and develop an effective strategy. Practicing with previous year Indian Navy SSR question paper helps you get acquainted with the exam pattern and the type of questions asked. It also helps you develop different strategies to tackle difficult questions.
Practising with previous year Indian Navy SSR and AA question papers is a great way to refine your study strategy and focus on your weak areas. It will also help you identify the type of questions that take up more time and focus your preparation accordingly. You can download Indian Navy SSR Question Papers from the links provided below and save them to your computer or mobile device. These sample papers will help you improve your speed and accuracy in the exam.
Can I download Navy SSR question papers in PDF?
Yes, we have given the direct links to download the downloadable PDFs for you in the above tables.
How to download Indian Navy SSR Previous Question papers?
We have given Year-wise lists of the previous years’ question papers here. You should see the download links above. To download the papers, you should click on the links.
Are the Navy question papers free?
We do not charge fees for any documents provided by us. The Indian Navy SSR Question Papers available on our website are free.