Indian Coast Guard Previous Year Question Papers are an excellent source of information for applicants. They are a must-have for those who wish to crack the exam. has provided these papers in various formats, including PDFs and books. You can find them here. Read on to know how to get these papers. Here’s how to download PDF the previous year question paper.
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Indian Coast Guard Previous Year Question Papers
The candidates preparing for the Indian Coast Guard can download the previous year guard question paper PDF. Indian coast guard previous year question papers help them know what to expect from the exam. They can get an idea about the weightage of questions in each section and help them manage their time better.
Candidates can download Indian coast guard question paper with answer from the official website of the Indian Coast Guard. The model papers are available in a pdf file, which they can open and print for further use.
The Indian Coast Guard has published an official notification inviting applications for various posts. Those interested in these posts can apply online through the official website of the organization. The exam will be conducted in June 2019. Those who want to appear for the examination can download the previous year question papers for free.
The model papers also help in improving one’s preparation for the exam. This will help them clear the exam. The Indian Coast Guard question paper is the perfect tool to improve one’s score.
Indian Coast Guard Question Paper PDF in Hindi
भारतीय तटरक्षक नविक (सामान्य ड्यूटी) परीक्षा के लिए पिछले वर्ष के प्रश्न पत्र पीडीएफ डाउनलोड करें। मॉडल प्रश्न पत्र परीक्षा की तैयारी करने वाले उम्मीदवारों के लिए सहायक होते हैं। ये पेपर इंडियन कोस्ट गार्ड आपको प्रश्नों के पैटर्न और उनके वेटेज को समझने में मदद करते हैं। आप अपने समय प्रबंधन को बेहतर बनाने के लिए मॉडल प्रश्न पत्रों का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।
आप पिछले वर्ष के प्रश्नपत्र आधिकारिक लिंक से डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। पीडीएफ व्यूअर में फाइल खोलें और अपनी तैयारी शुरू करने के लिए इसे प्रिंट करें।
Download the previous year question paper PDF for the Indian Coast Guard Navik (General Duty) exam. The Model Question Papers are helpful for candidates preparing for the exam. These papersIndian coast guard help you understand the pattern of the questions and their weightage. You can use the Model Question Papers to improve your time management. You can download the previous year papers from the official link. Open the file in a pdf viewer and print it to start your preparation.
नविक जीडी परीक्षा में 4 विषय होते हैं। प्रश्न 10+2 स्तर की अवधारणाओं पर आधारित हैं। परीक्षा अंग्रेजी और हिंदी में आयोजित की जाती है और इसमें वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रकार के प्रश्न शामिल होते हैं।
पेपर में ज्यादातर प्रश्न 12वीं कक्षा या इंटरमीडिएट से संबंधित विषय के होते हैं। परीक्षा की तैयारी करने वालों को सलाह दी जाती है कि वे पिछले वर्ष के तट रक्षक प्रश्नों और उत्तरों का अभ्यास करें। एक बार जब आप पिछले प्रश्नपत्रों का अभ्यास कर लेंगे, तो आपको विश्वास होगा कि आप विषय वस्तु को समझते हैं।
There are 4 subjects in the Navik GD examination. The questions are based on 10+2 level concepts. The exam is conducted in English and Hindi and includes objective-type questions.
Most of the questions in the paper are from the 12th standard or an intermediate-related subject. Those preparing for the exam are advised to practice the previous year coast guard questions and answers. Once you have practiced Indian coast guard previous year question papers, you will feel confident that you understand the subject matter.
Coast Guard Model Paper | PDF Links |
Indian Coast Guard Yantrik previous year Paper | Download |
ICG Yantrik Mechanical Engg Old Papers | Download |
Indian Coast Guard ECE Sample Papers | Download |
ICG Previous Year Papers Pdf | Download |
Indian Coast Guard Previous Year Paper Book

The Indian Coast Guard Exam Previous Year Question Paper Book is essential to prepare for the forthcoming Sailor General GD examination. It provides you with the sample questions and answer sheets you will have to face in the actual exam.
It also gives you a brief idea about the syllabus, exam pattern, and exam questions. After downloading the model paper book, you should start your preparation and practice as much as possible. By practicing the hereIndian Coast Guard previous year question paper Book, you can achieve a higher score in the exam.
An Indian Coast Guard previous year question paper Book will help you prepare for the written exam. It is a great help for the recruitment examination, as it will provide you with the syllabus and the pattern. In addition to these, it will help you improve your overall score in the exam.
Indian Coast Guard Previous Year Question Papers book also includes the last year’s model question papers that you will need to practice. By practicing these papers, you can pass the written exam easily.
Indian Coast Guard Question Paper with answer

Suppose you are preparing for the upcoming exam. In that case, you should start by studying the Indian Coast Guard Navik GD Previous Year Papers. These papers will provide you with the necessary information for the exam. The previous year’s papers will help you prepare for the exam and get a feel for the questions you are likely to face during the exam. This article will explain the key points you should focus on to ace the exam.
Indian Coast Guard Previous Question Papers 2021
Candidates can download the previous year papers of the Indian Coast Guard by following the links provided below. Applicants can practice the questions asked in these papers to clear the exam. There is no other better way to prepare for the exam than to practice the previous year papers. The previous year’s information will help you improve your score and get a high score. In addition, it will help you understand the exam’s difficulty level.
The Indian Coast Guard Previous Year Question Papers are very helpful for candidates in preparing for the exam. They will help them understand the syllabus and exam pattern. Moreover, they can improve their speed. Practicing previous year question papers is a great way to boost your confidence and get familiar with the syllabus. It is essential to make your preparation as fast as possible. This way, you will be able to answer the questions quickly and easily.
Indian Navik (GD) Previous Year Papers | Download |
ICG Navik (GD) Question Papers | Download |
Indian Coast Guard Solved Papers PDF | Download |
DB Previous Question Papers | Download |
Indian Coast Guard Previous Papers 2020
If you are planning to apply for an Indian Coast Guard recruitment, you can practice by studying coast guard previous year question paper from the official website. These exam papers are a great way to prepare for the exam. You can also refer to the syllabus, exam pattern, and model question papers to make sure that you have a thorough knowledge of the topics in the exam. Here is a link to the Indian Coast Guard previous year paper 2020:
Practicing the previous year’s question papers will help you get a clear idea of what to expect in the exam. This will improve your speed, confidence, and knowledge of the syllabus. If you practice the previous year’s papers, you’ll have an easy time answering the questions in the upcoming exam. Here’s what you can expect:
Indian Coast Guard Last Five Years Question Papers
Download Indian Coast Guard Model Papers
Indian Coast Guard GK Old Papers
General Knowledge Previous Papers
General Knowledge Previous Papers
Indian Coast Guard Old Papers – Physics
Navik Practice Papers – Quantitative Aptitude
Indian Coast Guard Previous Year Paper 2019
Download the latest edition of the Indian Coast Guard Previous Year Paper 2019 for free! This examination is conducted for Navik jidi, a post that requires an excellent command of Hindi and English. You can practice your questions by downloading the previous year papers from the below-mentioned link.
These question papers will help you prepare well for the exam and ensure that you clear it. We are sure that you will love to read them!
Once you have downloaded coast guard exam questions and answers pdf, you can begin the exam preparation process. You must be aware of the syllabus and the exam pattern, and previous year papers will help you better understand the syllabus.
Practicing Indian coast guard previous year question papers is an excellent way to improve your speed, confidence, and knowledge of the syllabus. In addition, it will help you to get familiar with the paper format.
ICG Navik Recruitment Test Papers – Reasoning
Indian Coast Guard Navik Sample Papers – Maths
Coast Guard 10+2 Entry exam Model Papers – English
Last 5 Year ICG Navik Steward Solved Papers -General Knowledge
Indian Coast Guard GD Question Paper with Answer

Interested applicants can download the latest syllabus and Coast Guard Yantrik Previous Year papers for the Indian Coast Guard Navik General Duty (GD) exam. You can also get information on exam patterns and syllabi. Previous papers will help you in preparing for the written test.
Practicing with previous year’s question papers will increase your speed and confidence. You can practice the model question papers for the GD exam for maximum practice.
The exam pattern and syllabus of the Indian Coast Guard Navik General Duty (GD) 10+2 Entry For 01/2018 batch are now available. indian coast guard navik GD previous year question paper pdf will help you understand the exam pattern and syllabus.
Coast guard Yantrik previous year papers pdf | Download |
Indian coast guard Yantrik previous paper download pdf in Hindi | Download |
Moreover, Navik GD previous year solved question paper will provide you with important practice sets and study guides according to the coast guard syllabus. By preparing with these materials, you will score high marks in the exam. Also, download the previous year question papers for the exam so that you can get a good idea of the type of questions asked.
To prepare for the Indian Coast Guard Navik/ Yantrik exam, you can refer to coast guard GD previous year question paper. You can analyze your preparation level and identify your mistakes. Moreover, it will help you manage the time you spend on each question.
Indian coast guard previous year question papers will also help you improve your time management. So, if you are interested in getting a job in the Central govt Coast Guard, don’t miss the opportunity to download Indian coast guard GD question paper pdf in Hindi.
Indian Coast Guard Solved Papers with Solutions | Download |
ICG Previous Year Question Papers PDF | Download |
Assistant Commandant Previous Year Papers | Download |
Coast Guard DB Previous Year Question Paper
Download the previous question papers for the Indian Coast Guard Navik DB exam to prepare for the upcoming examination. These model papers can be downloaded free of cost from the official website of the Indian Coast Guard. They are available in PDF format and can help you understand the exam pattern and syllabus. Aspiring candidates need to practice and study previous papers before appearing for the actual exam. It is also advisable to use the previous question papers as a reference during the preparation process.
Indian coast guard DB previous year question paper in hindi pdf | Download |
coast guard DB previous year question paper | Download |
The Indian Coast Guard releases notifications for recruitment in Navik, General Duty, and Yantrik positions every year. Interested candidates can download the Model Question Papers PDF for these competitive exams and improve their preparation. Moreover, the questions are based on the syllabus, exam pattern, and previous years’ Model Question Papers. The candidates can use coast guard DB previous year Question Papers to improve their skills and boost their chances of selection.
Indian coast guard Navik GD previous year question paper pdf | Download |
Indian coast guard Navik GD previous question paper pdf | Download |
coast guard Navik GD previous year paper | Download |
How many questions are asked in the Indian Coast Guard?
This is the most asked question by the public, so I want to tell you that 60 questions are being asked by the Indian Coast Guard.
How long does the Indian Coast Guard test last?
Dear friends, the Coast Guard exam is 45 minutes and you should ask 60 questions during that time.
What is the pass mark of the Indian Coast Guard?
Many are satisfied with the pass mark in the Indian Coast Guard, I would like to tell them that the Indian Coast Guard is OBC Passing Mark 30, General Pass mark 30 and ST SC Passing Mark 27.
What is the number of Indian Coast Guard paperwork?
Dear friends, I would like to inform you that there are 60 questions out of 60 in the Indian Coast Guard.
Download the previous question papers of Indian Coast Guard Navik DB for free and improve your chances of clearing the exam.
The question papers are available in PDF format for the Domestic Branch and Indian Coast Guard Navik DB. Also, you can check out the Syllabus for Navik DB 2021. You can download the syllabus PDF from the official website. The syllabus and previous question papers help practice for the exam.