When you submit your IGNOU Assignment, it is essential to follow the assignment guidelines provided by the university. In particular, it is extremely important to compose the answers according to the style of assignment given to you. The university strictly adheres to a no plagiarism policy and if plagiarized, it won’t accept the assignments.
The research material provided for you is an excellent resource to guide you to compose your assignments. The university takes note of any attempt to steal content, and you are not allowed attempting to do so. The warnings aren’t very severe but can affect your grades if ignored. The instructors are constantly trying to encourage candidates to contribute well and get good marks by their IGNOU Assignments.
The most important step is to read the assignments questions carefully. In case there is something that you don’t understand, the instructor may offer you alternative suggestions or even help you out. Once you have finished the assignments, it is then your responsibility to read the question papers. You need to make sure that you understand what is written and where you stand in the class.
The final step is to submit your completed assignments before or on the last date of submission of IGNOU Assignments. Your request will be assessed according to the university’s deadline. The deadline is usually notified on the notice board of the University website. It is also important to note that you must submit the IGNOU Assignment answer copies as handwritten assignments or as directed by the latest notification.
Download KKHSOU Assignments from here https://proexamtips.com/kkhsou-assignment/
Download IGNOU Assignment
ASSIGNMENTS (Programme wise)
Master’s Degree Programmes
M.A.(Economics) | M.A.(History) | M.A.(Pol. Science) |
M.A.(Philosophy) | M.A.(Psychology) Ist Year || IInd Year (July 2020-Jan 21) Ist Year || IInd Year (July 2019-Jan 20) Ist Year || IInd Year (July 2018-Jan 19) | MA(GD) July 2020 & Jan 2021 July 2019-20(1st & 2nd year)-English July 2019-20 (Ist Year)-(Hindi) July 2019-20(IInd Year)-(Hindi) July 2018& January 2019 (Hindi) July 2018& January 2019 (English) for Re-registered student 2nd year July 2017 & January 2018 (Hindi) July 2017 & January 2018 (English) |
M.A.(Public Administration) | MA(RD) | M.A.(Sociology) |
MADE January-2016(ES-series) | MA(DE) 1st Year || 2nd Year (January 2020) 1st Year || 2nd Year (July 2019) 1st Year || 2nd Year (January 2019) 1st Year || 2nd Year (July 2018) 1st Year || 2nd Year (January 2018) | Management MBA,PGDHRM,PGDFM,PGDOM,PGDMM,PGDFMP MPB (MBA Banking & Finance) |
MSWC 1st year | 2nd year (2019-20) 1st year | 2nd year (2018-19) | MATS Ist Year | IInd Year (2020) Ist Year | IInd Year (2019) Ist Year | IInd Year (2018) | MCA |
M.Com ( F & T) | M.Com ( BP & CG) | M.Com ( MA & FS) |
MLIS July 2020-January 2021 2018-2019 2019-2020 | M.Sc(DFSM) | MTM/MTTM |
MA (Education) | MSW | M.Sc(MACS) |
M.Ed | MAEDS January & July 2018 | MEDSE SEMESTER-1st/2nd/3rd(July-2012) |
Masters in Anthropology(MAAN) Ist Year | IInd Year (July 2020 – Jan 2021 Ist Year | IInd Year (July 2019-Jan 20) Ist Year | IInd Year (2018-19) Ist Year | IInd Year (2017-18) | M.Sc.(CFT) 1st Year || 2nd Year (July 2020) 1st Year || 2nd Year (July 2019) 1st Year || 2nd Year (July 2018) | MBACT |
MAAE July 2020 July 2019 July 2018 | MAGPS English | Hindi (July 2020-January 2021) English | Hindi (July 2019-January 2020) English | Hindi (July 2018-January 2019) English | Hindi (July 2017-January 2018) | MAWGS |
MADVS July 2020-January 2021 July 2019-January 2020 July 2018-January 2019 Session July 2018 | MAJMC January 2020 and July 2020 | MA(Sanskrit) |
Bachelor’s Degree Programmmes
ACC | EEC English | Hindi | ANC |
BAGA | ||
BDP/B.A. | BCA | |
B.COM English | Hindi | B.Ed B.Ed (Revised) B.Ed ( Special Education) | BLIS BLIS-Revised: (English) || (Hindi) -July 2020-Jan 21) BLIS-Revised: (English) || (Hindi) -July 2019-Jan 20) BLIS-Revised (English) | (Hindi)- (July 2018-Jan. 2019) BLIS-Revised (English) | (Hindi)- (2017-2018) |
B.COMAF | B.Com(CA & A) | B.Com(F & CA) |
B.Sc. English | Hindi | BSCHOT | B.Sc. in Hosp. and Hotel Administration(BHM) 2019-20 2017-18 |
B.Sc.N. (PB) | BSW | BTCM / BTWRE |
B.Sc. ( Nautcial Sc) | BA-IHA 2018 | EEC English | Hindi |
FEG | FHS\BSHF English | Hindi (2016-17) | BTAE |
BBA Retail First Year | Second Year | Third Year (2020-21) First Year | Second Year | Third Year (2019-20) First Year | Second Year | Third Year (2018-19) | BRPA July 2019/January 2020 July 2012/January 2013 | BHDA July 2012/January 2013 |
P.G. Diploma Programmes
PGDIBO English (2020-21) | Hindi (2020-21) English (2019-20) | Hindi (2019-20) English (2018-2019)| Hindi (2018-2019) | PGJMC January/July 2020 (New) January/July 2020 January/July 2019 January 2018 | PGDRD |
PGDHHM 2020 2019 2018 | PGDGM 2020 2019 2018 | PGDMCH 2016 2018 2019 |
PGCIATIVI January / July 2020 January / July 2019 January / July 2018 | PGDLAN 2018 || 2019 || 2020 | PGDAPP English | Hindi (Jan/July 2020) English (Jan/July 2019) English | Hindi (Jan/July 2018) |
PGDIPR | PGDDE January(ES-series) 2015 | PGDESD |
PGDCFT July 2020 July 2019 July 2018 | ||
PGDSS Jan/July-2020 Jan/July-2019 July 2018 | PGDBP 2020-21 PGDBP Assignment 2019-20 MPB-001 | MPB-002 | MBP-003 | MPB-004 | MPB-005 | MPB-006 | MBP-007 July 2018 | PGDFMP |
PGDHE January / July 2019 January/July 2018 | PGDDM English | Hindi (2020) English | Hindi (2019) English | Hindi (2018) | PGDRP |
PGDMRR 2014| 2013 | PGDSLM | PGDFSQM July 2020 July 2019 July 2018 |
PGDET | PGDAE July 2020 July 2019 July 2018 | PGDFCS |
PGDPSM | PGCAP Jan/July-2020 Jan/July-2019 Jan/July-2018 | PGDICG |
PGDEMA January / July 2020 January / July 2019 January / July 2018 | PGDEDS January & July 2018 | PGDTRM |
PGDAC | PGDDHM 2012|2011 | PGDT |
PGDCJ January & July 2020 January & July 2019 January & July 2018 | PGDENLW 2013-14 | PGPDSE(July-2012) PGPDSE(July-2011) |
PGDPM July 2019 July 2018 | PGDHEM January/July 2018 | PGCMHT January & July 2020 (Hindi) | Project 2020 (Hindi) January & July 2019 (Hindi) | Project 2019 (Hindi) January & July 2018 (Hindi) | Project 2018 (Hindi) |
PGDSWT 2017 | PGCBHT January & July 2020 | Project – 2020 January & July 2019 | Project – 2019 January & July – 2018 | Project – 2018 | PGDAE & MAAE(July-2011) |
PGDAST MST-001 to MSTL-002 (Validity:January 2020 to December 2020) MST-001 to MSTL-002 (Validity:January 2019 to December 2019) MST-001 TO MSTL-002 (Jan.2018 to Dec 2018) | PGDIS July 2020 January 2020 July 2019 January 2019 July 2018 January 2018 | PGDREPYDL July-2012 |
PGDPPED January/July 2020 January/July 2019 January/July 2018 | PGDMD | PGDHIVM July 2019 January 2018 July 2014 | 2015 |
PGDUPDL English || Hindi (July 2020 & January 2021) English || Hindi (July 2019 & January 2020) July 2018 & January 2019 (Hindi) July 2018 & January 2019 (English) | PGDMH JULY 2020 JULY 2019 JULY 2018 | PGDCOUN July 2019-January 2020 July 2018-January 2019 |
PGDENLWOL 2013-14 | PGDWGS July 2020-2021 MWG001 || MWG002 (Semester 1) MWG003 || MWG004 | PGDGPS English | Hindi (July 2020-January 2021) English | Hindi (July 2019-January 2020) English | Hindi (July 2017-January 2018) |
PGDLAN English (Jan/July 2019) | PGDEOH | PGDCA Semester-1 | Semester-II (Jan 2020 & July 2021) Semester-1 January 2020 |
Diploma Programmes
ADCIM | DCE 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 | DCIM |
DCLE(G) | DDT English || Hindi (July 2020) English || Hindi (July 2019) English || Hindi ( July 2018) | DECE |
DMT English (July 2019) English (July 2018) | DNA BNS-011 to BNS-014(2020) | DNHE |
DPE | DTS English || Hindi (2020) English || Hindi (2019) English || Hindi (2018) | DVAPFV English || Hindi (July 2019) English || Hindi (July 2018) |
DPVCPO English | Hindi (2016) English | Hindi (2015) English (2013) | DWED BWEE-004, BWEE-005 & BWEE-012-Hindi(2020-2021) BWEF-002,BWEE-006,BWEE-007,BWEE-008 English (2020-2021) BWEE-004, BWEE-005 & BWEE-012 Hindi (2020-2021) BWEE-004, BWEE-005 & BWEE-012-Hindi(2019-2020) BWEF-002,BWEE-006,BWEE-007,BWEE-008 (2019-2020) BWEE-004, BWEE-005 & BWEE-012 (2019-2020) BWEF-002,BWEE-006,BWEE-007,BWEE-008(Hindi) (2019-20) BWEE-004, BWEE-005 & BWEE-012-English (2019-20) | DME |
DIR | DUL 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-19 | DWM English | Hindi (2020) English | Hindi (2019) English | Hindi (2018) |
DAQ | DELED January/July 2019 (English) || January/July 2019(Hindi) January/July 2018(English) || January/July 2018(Hindi) | DFPT July 2019 July 2018 |
DBPOFA | DIPP English || Hindi (2020) English || Hindi (2019) English || Hindi (2018) | DPLAD July 2019 – January 2020 July 2018 – January 2019 |
DTG | DEVMT | PGDDVS July 2020 -January 2021 July 2019 -January 2020 |
DVAPFV English || Hindi (July 2020) |
Certificate Programmes
BPP | CAFE/DAFE English | Hindi (2020 English | Hindi (2019) English | Hindi (2018) | CBS |
CFL July 2020 & January 2021 July 2019& January 2020 July 2018 & January 2019 | ||
CCDP | CCEANM 2010-11| 2011(July) | CDM English | Hindi (2020) English | Hindi (2019) English | Hindi (2018) |
CES English | Hindi (2019-2020) English | Hindi (2018-2019) | CETE January 2011 | CFE July 2020-January 2021 July 2019-January 2020 July 2018-January 2019 |
CRUL January/July 2020 January/July 2019 January/July 2018 | CAL 2020 2019 2018 | |
CHR English || Hindi (Jan / July 2020) English || Hindi (Jan / July 2019) English || Hindi ( Jan / July 2018) | CIG 2020 (English) | 2020 (Hindi) 2019 (English) || 2019 (Hindi) 2018 (English) || 2018(Hindi) || 2017 (Odiya) | CIS English | Hindi (Jan/July-2020) English | Hindi (Jan/July-2019) English | Hindi (Jan/July-2018) |
CMCHC 2015 | CNCC | CNIC 2012 | 2011 |
CFAID 2018 || 2019 2020 | CKLC Jan/July 2020 Jan/July 2019 July-2018 | |
COF English | Hindi (January & July 2020) English | Hindi (January & July 2019) English | Hindi (January & July 2018) | CPE | CRD |
CTE July 2020-January 2021 | CTE-04 and CTE-05 (2020-2021) July 2019-January 2020 July 2018-January 2019 | CTPM | CTS English || Hindi (2020) English || Hindi (2019) English || Hindi (2018) |
CCR English | Hindi (Jan/July 2020) English (Jan/July 2019) English | Hindi (Jan/July 2018) | CUL 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-19 | ACPSD July 2020 January 2020 July 2019 January 2019 July 2018 |
CPPDPT January/July 2019 January/July 2018 | PGCMRR | CSLF |
CPI (CCP) | CWHM English | Hindi (Jan/July 2020) English | Hindi (Jan/July 2019) English | Hindi (Jan/July-2018) | CPF English | Hindi (2020) English | Hindi (2019) English | Hindi (2018) |
CIT July 2020-January 2021 July 2019-January 2020 July 2018-January 2019 July 2017-January 2018 | CESE-CP 2012-13 | CNM 2020 |
CESE-MR 2012-13 | ||
CDCW July-2013 | PGCE 2013 | PGCOI 2013 |
CETM Jan/July (2019) Jan/July (2018) | CPAKK | CAY |
CPAKM | CJD January-2013 | CPAMP |
CCPD 2020 2018 | ACPDM January/July 2020 January/July 2019 January/July 2018 | CIHL English (Jan/July 2020) English (Jan/July 2019) English (Jan/July 2018) |
CHBCP Hindi (2019) English(July-2011) | Hindi(July-2011) English | Hindi | CCSS Assignment Booklet | CELL Assignment Booklet |
CCLBL 2020 2019 2018 | CAHC July 2014 | ACISE July 2020 January 2020 July 2019 January 2019 July 2018 January 2018 |
CIB English | Hindi (2020) English | Hindi (2019) English | Hindi (2018) | CSWCJS English | Hindi (2020) English | Hindi (Jan/July 2019) English | Hindi (Jan/July 2018) | CAHT English || Hindi (2020) English || Hindi (2019) English | Hindi (2018) |
PGPCSE PGPCSE(July-2012) | CHBHC English | Hindi (2020) English | Hindi (July 2019) Hindi || English (July 2018) Hindi | English-(January 2018) | PGCPP |
CPVE January-July 2020 January-July 2019 January-July 2018 | DCCN(BNS-32) 2020 2019 2018 | DCCN(BNS-31) 2020 2019 2018 |
CESEHI 2012-13 | CESEVI 2012-13 | CIE 2015 | 2014 |
CCITSK | CMCHN January 2019 July 2018 January 2018 July 2017 | CLTA July 2020-January 2021: English || Hindi July 2019-January 2020: English || Hindi July 2019-January 2020: English || Hindi July 2018-January 2019: English || Hindi |
BPCCHN/CCH | CLIS January & July – 2020 January & July – 2019 January & July-2018 | CNIN(REVISED) July 2020-January 2021 July 2019-January 2020 July 2018-January 2019 |
CJL | CTRBS July 2019-January 2020 July 2018-January 2019 | CSLC January/July 2020 January/July 2019 |
CFDE July 2020 January 2020 July 2019 | CPY 2020 July 2019 | CGL July 2020-January 2021 July 2019-January 2020 |
CPEL 2020-21 2019-20 | CGDA January 2020 | CHHA 2020 |
CPSCM Hindi | English July 2020 and Jan 2021 |
P.G. Certificate Programmes
PGCGPS English | Hindi (July 2020-January 2021) English | Hindi (July 2019-January 2020) English | Hindi (July 2017-January 2018) | PGCAE January & July 2020 January & July 2019 January & July 2018 | PDCDM MCMD-001 | MCMD-002 | MCMD-003 (July-2013) |
PGCGI January & July 2020 January & July 2019 January & July 2018 | PGCCL Jan-July 2020 Jan-July 2019 | PGCEDS January & July 2018 January & July 2017 |
PGCCC July 2019 & January 2020 July 2020 & January 2021 | CSWM July 2020 |
Foundation Courses
FCED 2012 |2011 | BDP Foundation Courses |
IGNOU Assignment Status
The university will inform the candidate in detail about the status of the incomplete assignments and will notify them about the successful completion of the question number(s). Once all the assignments are complete, candidates can electronically view the status of Assignments form.
Candidates can get the results on their smartphones, tablets and laptops. The results are usually sent by email.
You should obtain the results of the assignment through the web-based interface provided by the centre. Students need to enter their username and password in order to access the results. The results of the IGNOU Assignment can be viewed either by students in their exam centers or can be accessed online at the faculty website. Students are also advised that they may need to wait up to some weeks after submitting their last assignment before they receive a grade card.
The last but not the least step is to wait for the results of the online assignments and the corresponding grade cards. Students should be able to receive their grades via email. Students can check their scores online at the university’s score centre.
Re-Submission of IGNOU Assignments
The student should remember that if they fail to submit their assignments by the given deadline, they will have to start the whole process all over again. It is better to submit one’s assignment early than to submit it last.
You should contact the study center if you have failed to submit your assignments on or before the last date for submission. If this is the case, it is then important to email the professor with an explanation of the situation. Usually, the professors will postpone the assignment submission for a later date. There is no need to worry if there is no response from the professor as most universities have faculties of inquiry to look into any case that has been postponed.
IGNOU Assignment Submission Last Date
This is where your will get all the latest information for your IGNOU Assignment Last Date http://www.ignou.ac.in/ignou/bulletinboard/announcements/latest
Indira Gandhi National Open University has extended the last date for the submission of the assignments for the year 2023-24.
Students are required to submit their IGNOU Assignments by the due date. The university may issue a grade card immediately after the completion of the assignment. This grade card will be included in the student’s file. Once the academic year ends, students will receive a notice from their respective centres about whether they have been accepted into the appropriate term end examinations. Students can then proceed to term end examinations.
It is advisable to start writing and marking the final year’s papers as early as possible. Students who have yet to submit their assignment are encouraged to start writing if the last date is no over. Students are required to start writing and marking their final year’s papers at least by the extended date. The earlier they begin, the better. By starting earlier, it allows time to prepare for the 2023-24 exam.
It is important for students to remember that the weightage assignments carry the most weight in terms of their academic results. That means that they should strive to achieve the highest weightage possible. Students should therefore strive to carry out their assignments with great concentration. By doing so, they ensure that they do not carry too little weight on their final marks or they may find themselves failing the test.
IGNOU Assignment Front Page
This article will be discussing the various tips and tricks on how to design the front page of IGNOU assignments. Since this course was introduced only a year ago, the majority of the teachers and trainees are still learning the ins and outs of the course. As such, this article will cover some of the things that will help you tremendously when it comes to designing your assignment.
Before I go into any details on how to design the front page of your ignou assignment, I would like to point out the reason why the instructor of this course does not allow you to copy and paste your assignments onto the web. As you know, IGNOU offers its students assignments that must be submitted and solved in its local centers.
The instructors of the course do not want you copying and pasting your assignment onto the web since it will undermine the entire course’s purpose. That being said, if you are still unsure about how to design your assignment, you can always ask for clarifications from your instructor. He or she is likely to give you more detailed instructions on how to design your assignment and solve it.
In conclusion, we talked about how to design your assignment in terms of content, format, and how to submit it to the local center. We also touched upon the importance of understanding how to solve your assignments before you even submit them for grading. If you are still having a hard time grasping some of the concepts in the course, you can always ask for clarifications from your instructor.
Be careful about copying and pasting content from the internet because it might come back to haunt you in the future. Overall, this was a brief overview of how to design your assignment and how to submit it for grading. Have fun while learning!
How to Easily Write IGNOU Assignment

This article has been prepared for you, to assist you with some tips to write good assignments. Nowadays, the competition among colleges and universities has become quite tough. For every college, a good and promising student is an important aspect. And, there are many students who struggle through their entire course of studies, due to lack of proper guidance and help from teachers and fellow students. Therefore, it becomes extremely necessary that you should be able to take care of yourself and your studies, while teaching, without taking much stress out of your system.
Now, the main question arises that how you should write good IGNOU Assignments. The answer is simple: practice! The more you are able to practice and prepare, the better your final results would be. In fact, according to the renowned Professors of National Open University (NUONA), if you have the capability to write good papers, then you will also be able to take care of other students, as well as your professor.
Therefore, the main thing you should keep in mind is focused. Take proper care of your IGNOU Assignment and ensure that you complete it on time. Moreover, it is important that you are well prepared when you are required to write good assignments. So, always review your paper before you submit it for a maximum of three times. After completing your review, always go through your IGNOU Assignment. If you find any error, try to correct it as soon as possible.
You should download and read academic essays that you are studying as quickly as possible so that you can get down to the meat of the assignment and begin writing much more quickly. Then, you can spend far less time on rereading and trying to understand the meaning of essay topics. Don’t forget to break up your text and use commas, breaks, and indentation when it becomes necessary.
It is the quality of writing that will determine your performance and if you follow a format or not, that is all that matters. Of course, you want to make sure that your written work is as impressive as it can be, but this should not stop you from including any formatting tips that you find.