Do you know the process to qualify in ASSAM POLICE CONSTABLE RECRUITMENT 2023? In this article I have discussed all the important steps for the job seekers. The job profile of an Assam Police constable includes the responsibility of ensuring public security by making sure that the law is abided by and safe from all forms of crime.
Constables are often given an extra role such as performing roadside duties since they are already employed as part of the police force in some state. However, the constable is expected to have a more comprehensive set of responsibilities than just maintaining law and order.
Constables are expected to have undergone specialized training and be well-versed with the use of technology in their line of work.
In India, police constables are known as “Volunteers of Indian Army” and they serve the nation as goodwill representatives.
Many Indian police officers serve in various international war fronts in the name of “Vikas” to bring back the honor and sacrifice to their beloved country.

Today, Constables of numerous Indian cities are appointed for different purposes. Chief constables are the highest ranked police officer and a member of the local district or township police board.
Generally, constables are responsible for the administration and regulation of crime and law within their locality.
There are many police constable jobs in India waiting to be promoted and added to the senior staff strength.
Some other constable jobs in India include head constables, who are responsible for the administration and regulation of the police department within their locality and include budgetary matters.
District constables are the ones who supervise the entire police department in a particular area. In many Indian cities like Aurangabad, Chittorgarh, Cuttack, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, police constables are appointed to look after the day to day activities of the police department.
The job profile of a constable is very flexible and the level of responsibilities too varies. You can check out for more details on the police website of your local state from where you are planning to proceed.
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Advertisement of Assam Police Constable Recruitment
Assam police recruitment for contable posts are most awaited advertisement from Assam govt. State Level Police Recruitment Board (SLPRB) of Assam Police recently issued an official recruitment notification regarding the online application for Constable (Un-armed Branch/ Armed Branch) in Assam Police.
You can apply for the following posts as per notification published by Assam Police Constable Recruitment.
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Name of Post: Constable (Un-armed Branch/ Armed Branch)
No of Posts: 6,662 Posts (5494+1168)
- Unarmed Branch of DEF: 2391 Posts (1851+540)
- Armed Branch: 4271 Posts (3643+628)
Eligibility of Assam Police Constable Recruitment 2023
Assam Police Constable recruitment 2023 Eligibility conditions are as below. Please read the eligibility conditions thoroughly before application.
If you are not eligible for the vacancy, your online application will not be accepted by the authority.
Generally, the duties and responsibilities of a constable do not change from town to town or from county to county.
The basic responsibilities of a constable include the making of arrests, taking criminal documents into the courtroom, making sure that citizens are following the law, escorting people from residences or businesses, and making traffic stops on the roadways.
However, some constables also have the option to perform other duties such as issuing summonses for traffic offenses. These additional duties generally increase the salary of a constable.
Educational Qualification
Assam Police Constable Recruitment Minimum educational qualification is mentioned below as their post category.
- Un-Armed Branch: HS or Class 12th passed from a recognised Board or Council for the post of Constable, Unarmed Branch, District Executive Force (DEF).
- Armed Branch: HSLC or Class 10th passed from a recognised Board or Council for the post of constable of Armed Branch.
Most police departments prefer to hire individuals with a four-year degree who has taken police college classes. This is necessary for many constables because a constable must be physically fit.
As a constable works on the streets most of the day, he/she will need to be in good physical condition.
Therefore, most constables will begin their police career with short-term probationary assignments.
Once a constable is full-time on the road, then they are eligible for a promotion to the rank of inspector general, which has a higher salary and allows for a larger job performance review.
Assam Police Constable Recruitment Candidates must be Indian Citizen, ordinarily resident of Assam.
As a constable, you will likely be assigned either a single-breasted or double-breasted uniform depending on the time of year and the region of Assam. For more information on these and other constable jobs in India, please visit the website Indian policeman Jobs.
The job of a constable is one that requires a good amount of physical fitness and alertness. Constables are in charge of maintaining law and order in any particular area. The tasks of a constable include maintaining records, regulating behavior, and catching violators of the law.
Generally speaking, constables have a higher rank than other constable jobs because of their important functions. In some places, they are appointed directly by the governor or the head of state.
Age Limit
Assam Police Constable Recruitment Candidate should not be more than 25 years and less than 18 years of age as on 1st July 2023. The candidates must be born on or before the dates shown below to apply.
For the purpose of determining the age limit, the SLPRB will accept only the date of birth recorded in the Matriculation or equivalent examination certificate issued by a recognised education Board. No other documents relating to age such as horoscopes, affidavits, birth extracts from Municipal Corporations, service records and the like will be accepted.
Selection Process of Assam Police Constable Recruitment
There are two tests that will be taken into consideration when you apply for Assam police constable jobs.
The first test will test your physical endurance and the second test will test your mental alertness. You can find out which test you are going to take during your interview process.
Assam Police Constable Recruitment 2023 selection process is described here. There are the main tests which will be conduct to select candidates to provide appointment:-
- Physical Standards Tests
- Physical Efficiency Test
- Written Test
Candidates whose applications are found correct in all respect will have to undergo the Physical Standards Tests (PST) and Physical Efficiency Tests (PET).
Test Type | Maximum Marks |
Physical Efficiency Test (PET) | 40 Marks |
Written Test (MCQs) | 50 Marks |
Extra-Curricular Activities & Special Skills | 10 Marks |
TOTAL MARKS | 100 Marks |
If any Assam Police Constable Recruitment candidate is found to have any physical deformity as may be detected by the Medical Officer present in the DLSC, he/ she will be debarred from participating in the other tests.
Physical Tests (PST) of Assam Police Constable Recruitment 2023
The physical fitness aspect of Assam Police Constable Recruitment is required since they are required to physically cope with the volatile situation that requires quick reactions.
Assam Police Constable Recruitment Constables are asked not only to be alert but also to be physically fit and able to quickly respond to emergency calls. They can also be asked to monitor traffic lights and any movable objects such as traffic cones as well as crowd control barriers.
For these services, police officers are required to undergo extensive training since being a constable demands much attention and physical fitness.
Assam Police Constable Recruitment 2023Â physical test is simple. After the document verification candidates need to appear a Physical Standards Tests but it will carry no marks.
Measurement of the height, weight & chest (only males) of the candidates will be done using latest technology and after which the candidate will be examined by a Medical Officer for preliminary check-ups like knock knee, vision test, colour blindness test, flat foot, varicose vein, physical deformities etc.
Once a candidate clears the PST he/she will have to appear in the PET (Physical Efficiency Test).
The Physical Efficiency Test will carry 40 marks and which will be divided in two events Race and Long Jump, more details are below mentioned.
Fore Male Candidates
Race: Candidate need to complete 3.2 KM (3200 Mitres) race within 14 minutes (480 seconds). Extra marks will be rewarded as per his performance in race.
Long Jump: Candidate need to complete a minimum 244 CM long jump (3 chances to be given and the longest valid jump rounded off to the nearest cm will be considered for awarding marks)
Fore Female Candidates
Race: Candidate need to complete 1.6 KM (1600 Mitres) race within 8 minutes (840 seconds). Extra marks will be rewarded as per his performance in race.
Long Jump: Candidate need to complete a minimum 335 CM long jump (3 chances to be given and the longest valid jump rounded off to the nearest cm will be considered for awarding marks)
Candidates are recommended to check official notification to know more about this section of PET, here we only covered main points and other marking details are mention on official notification.
Written Test
Here is a guide for Assam Police Constable Recruitment 2023 written test. Candidate who clears above mentioned all selection based procedures need to appear a written examination.
In the exam of constable recruitment of Assam Police there will be total 100 multiple choice type questions (MCQs). These questions will be asked to the candidates and for each question’s correct answer candidate will receive half (0.5) mark.
The total mark in Assam Police Constable Recruitment written exam will be 50. These Questions will be of the level of class IX and X. Written Another important fact about this exam is that it will be conducted throughout the Assam on one day at each district HQ.
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Extra-Curricular Activities and Special Skills
Extra curricular part of Assam Police Constable Recruitment selection process is also important for the candidates. Because, there will be up to 10 marks under this section.
A candidate will get various marks as per his/ her extra qualifications or eligibility.
So, please check the Assam Police Constable Recruitment syllabus and exam procedure for this section in details.
Final results would be based on the marks obtained as follows:-
Online Apply Assam Police Recruitment 2023

Assam Police Constable Recruitment 2023 online apply process is here. Eligible and interested candidates are able to submit their online application for this recruitment of Assam Police by following below provided simple steps.
- Visit this page first-
- Scroll down, check NOTICE / ADDENDUM section.
- Click on Click here to Apply.
- Enter your all asked information & upload documents.
- After that submit your application and keep Assam Police Constable Recruitment computer generated application for future reference.
To know more about application process, photo, signature and their uploading guide please visit
Important Web Links of Assam Police Recruitment 2023
It is not surprising that this job is considered to be one of the most physically demanding jobs in India. Constables must be in top shape both before and after work hours.
Constables in Assam often perform duties outside the office like inspecting traffic, littering, and maintaining the roads.
Assam Police Constable Recruitment 2023 Notification: Click here
Direct Link to Apply Online – Click here
Assam Police Recruitment Portal: Click here
ASSAM POLICE CONSTABLE RECRUITMENT duties may include being deployed to tackle civil unrest or peaceful protests, maintaining public order, protecting life and property, apprehending criminals and conducting door-to-door investigations.
These duties may vary depending on where the constable is assigned at the time. In certain cases, constables will be stationed at the airport so they can maintain order at the arrival and departure areas. They may also be asked to manage road traffic in a particular area.
Other constable jobs involve monitoring the rail transport system in Assam. These include the rail station, railway crossing, railway line and bus terminal.